39 Azhemaroth 100% 22900 10 -30 20 50 100 100 -20
39 Dorriel 1/150 6700 25 80 100 70 -40 -50 80
52 Balzak 100% 19800 15 -5 95 25 -20 -35 75
57 Naturius 100% 32500 0 90 -20 -20 -20 -20 50
57 Bruxa do 71 30% 26200 15 15 65 0 -20 55 45
58 Azure 100% 67500 10 -30 45 90 -10 -10 50
68 Escorpiao Rei 100% 19200 50 20 0 50 100 100 -30
70 Verameth 100% 63060 15 25 -15 0 0 0 35
72 Damizhuno 100% 15060 -20 0 0 -50 100 0 0
79 Raver Nook 100% 13270 0 0 -20 0 -20 100 -50
84 Bob Marley 100% 26200 0 0 10 0 100 -40 40
92 Fera de Cristal 1% 11200 15 -30 -30 75 55 55 30
101 Ladamanthis 100% 24200 0 -60 20 50 100 100 -30
106 Famine 100% 76200 0 -70 20 50 100 100 -30
108 Aranha Gigante que Estrupa 100% 92300 -5 -25 45 25 100 30 0
108 Crocodine 100% 32500 0 0 0 -40 0 0 40
112 Ventania 100% 113000 -15 0 0 -20 100 -20 20
113 Archidis 100% 29300 0 -40 40 70 100 100 -30
118 Tartaruga de Cristal 1% 14880 25 -30 -30 0 0 65 10
126 Chromus 100% 59500 10 5 35 -15 55 0 -35
129 Bloodys 100% 23200 30 100 0 -20 100 100 -50
129 Benermerut 100% 43000 95 0 -20 0 100 40 60
132 Gerente de Banco 1% 18500 -20 -20 20 0 -10 10 10
134 Karfas 100% 39300 0 100 0 -50 100 10 10
156 Calango Monstruoso 5% 97500 -25 -10 10 -30 85 20 50
161 Djehut Den Ra 100% 42300 0 -40 20 50 100 100 50
163 Magneto 100% 98300 25 -25 -40 0 80 35 30
173 Zabull Katar 100% 69000 45 100 80 20 90 30 40
178 Aracna 100% 161000 -20 -15 15 20 100 25 -10
188 Oxyurus 100% 182750 0 5 65 0 85 55 -20
189 Encostopus 100% 67870 -15 0 0 0 -25 90 -25
190 Amonkus 100% 20200 20 -70 40 80 100 100 100
190 Antioch 100% 21900 0 90 40 70 100 100 30
190 Dommunhum 100% 24900 0 100 1000 100 100 100 30
190 Mahentzuma 100% 25900 80 -30 20 20 100 100 30
190 Nifthrah III 100% 23900 -10 -20 70 70 100 100 70
190 Tembras 100% 24200 50 20 20 40 100 100 -30
190 Zarftef 100% 251300 0 -50 20 100 100 100 30
192 Pe Grande 100% 124000 55 75 45 95 35 85 90
196 Gmili 100% 162000 35 45 -25 0 -10 0 0
199 Bin Laden 100% 59500 0 35 0 0 30 95 20
205 Antedeguemon 100% 295000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
217 Ryujin 100% 215000 25 65 55 0 15 85 95
219 Pinheiro Brabo 100% 185500 15 -75 80 0 100 70 70
228 Sharktopus 100% 198000 0 -5 -35 0 -15 -15 -5
243 Carmilla 100% 117570 -15 35 0 0 -65 65 65
246 Montuhentef 100% 197300 10 -20 100 50 100 100 50
248 Thor 100% 163000 20 -20 100 50 -20 60 100
254 Anciao 100% 115700 0 70 100 100 -60 60 60
254 Odin 100% 179500 60 60 60 60 20 40 100
260 Fantractro 50% 265950 100 0 0 0 100 100 -75
272 Abominacao 100% 95200 55 80 35 40 80 -15 5
278 Nefasto 15% 317200 100 50 50 0 80 100 0
283 Valquiria de Valhalla 5% 42000 15 15 5 65 -20 75 95
284 Dracula 100% 485100 -15 45 0 45 -35 100 -50
285 Magmora 100% 324000 65 85 45 -35 100 55 -15
285 Estrela de Cristal 1/150 42150 35 25 100 0 60 -35 95
290 Nidhogg 100% 235000 0 85 15 -40 65 45 35
301 Sapo Boi Azul 100% 100000 0 0 0 0 0 100 100
314 Paladino Caido 100% 275000 15 0 -15 0 -35 85 -35
337 Leviathan 100% 615000 75 55 35 65 25 35 65
353 Vaca Marinha 100% 224400 35 40 65 60 40 40 55
375 Jormungand 100% 44500 50 80 15 -20 -10 30 70
378 Holandes Voador 100% 548000 80 -15 -35 0 100 100 -15
385 Mata Cavalo 100% 385000 15 45 0 -35 60 30 -15
386 Kallamidar 100% 311250 -25 -15 0 15 35 100 -50
387 Obliterador 30% 187500 35 0 -55 0 -15 40 65
393 Extrapecterio Draconico 100% 512575 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
403 Loki 100% 842400 -15 -10 30 40 -10 -15 50
404 Barba Verde 50% 573100 -5 0 5 -15 35 25 15
420 Lord das Profundezas 5% 185000 0 55 -35 60 0 100 -40
420 Brunilda 100% 960400 65 10 -5 100 -10 5 75
432 Sanguinolento 100% 492000 5 -5 0 0 -70 -15 55
433 Gullinbursti 100% 988000 40 -50 -20 20 100 100 0
440 Kenma 100% 797000 35 100 35 -40 15 65 -15
466 Sobrevivente do Apocalipse 100% 1536000 35 -10 0 40 -25 -25 0
467 Boizin Baleia 100% 1585750 35 45 55 55 65 100 -15
467 Black Jack 100% 1134000 90 65 15 35 85 100 -40
477 Homem de Ferro 100% 574000 85 95 -35 70 100 100 100
512 Arrocha Matriz 100% 1900000 -15 0 0 0 65 100 10
522 Abominavel Homem das Naves 100% 2140800 -10 60 0 50 -30 -50 50
556 Dragao Branco de Olhos Azuis 100% 1720000 -40 -60 100 100 -20 0 100
612 Tetrax 100% 2360000 0 -10 -40 0 80 50 50
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