19 Shrek 30% 8500 35 20 45 35 45 20 65
23 Dragao Nascente 30% 2150 5 65 -15 15 -20 40 70
26 Carrasco 30% 1470 25 25 0 15 25 55 -35
33 Retalhador 30% 3170 10 10 10 20 -20 -30 40
44 Shogun 30% 14500 0 0 0 0 -40 -40 0
61 Supersonica 30% 8100 0 -5 -5 0 -15 -20 60
96 Preto 30% 8800 20 65 60 -50 60 70 -75
235 Abissal 30% 36800 15 80 0 -10 0 45 -25
247 Trepadeira 30% 17650 -35 -15 10 0 100 20 40
285 Domador de Crustaceos 30% 32750 25 0 -15 0 -25 -15 25
320 Salamandra de Fogo 15% 132000 0 100 0 -35 35 20 40
414 Sequoia Sequelante 30% 128600 40 -45 35 0 100 15 85
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